Will you meet a dolphin soon?


The programme ‘In the water with dolphins’ is available for booking again. Please read the participation conditions carefully to check if you can join the programme.


The full program takes about an hour; you stand in the water with the dolphins for twenty minutes. Each participant gets their own meeting moment with a dolphin and you can touch the animals.


  • To participate in the program you must meet the required eligibility requirements.
  • If you do not meet the required participation conditions and do book a program, you may be excluded from participation. You will then not receive a refund.
  • In unforeseen circumstances, we may have to cancel the program. We will then set a new date in consultation with you.

To ask

Do you still have questions about the ‘In the water with dolphins’ program after reading all the information? Then take a look at the frequently asked questions.

In the water with dolphins

You don’t have to travel far to meet a dolphin up close. You can do that in the Netherlands! With the interactive program ‘In the water with dolphins’ you can learn more about bottlenose dolphins and also meet them up close.

Are you looking for a unique program for a family day or outing with the family? Book this special experience now! And combine this program with a wonderful day of discovering the wonderful water world with special sea (mammal) animals such as dolphins, walruses, porpoises, sea lions, seals and sharks and rays.

About the ‘In the water’ program with dolphins

The program is given to groups of up to eight people. Before entering the water, you will receive instructions from the caretaker and put on waders to keep your own clothes dry. The waders go over your own clothing. Swimwear is therefore not necessary!

After you have discussed the schedule of the program with the caretaker, it is time to meet the dolphins in person and enter the water. While you are standing on an underwater bridge, you will receive an explanation about everything that has to do with bottlenose dolphins. Good to know is that you will be involved by the caregiver in the organization of the program and that the program is different every time. This way we always keep it fun for the dolphins and every program is unique!

Your special and educational meeting!

In addition to the moments when you can touch a dolphin, various topics are discussed, making the encounter not only special, but also educational. This way you learn more about the operation of the sonar or about the physique of the dolphin. During the program you can ask any questions you have about dolphins to the caretaker.

Did you bring spectators? They can enjoy from behind the glass wall and take pictures from a distance. The glass may be less clear due to the salt water.

Swimming with dolphins is not possible at the Dolfinarium. An encounter gives the dolphins the opportunity to always decide for themselves whether they feel like participating, because that choice is always theirs. The welfare of the animals is number one at the Dolfinarium.

Check the conditions of participation in advance

Do you also want to experience your own special encounter with a dolphin? To participate in the ‘In the water’ program you must meet the required conditions.

Book your program


To participate in our interactive programs you must meet the conditions. You read them here!

To participate in the ‘In the water’ program you must meet the conditions.

Conditions ‘In the water’-program

To participate in our interactive programs you must meet the conditions. You read them here!

Educational spaces

Als leergierige ontdekkingsreiziger kun jij jouw geluk niet op. Ontdek Dolfinarium's educatieve ruimtes het DolfijnBrein en de Haaibaai.

Frequently asked questions


The ‘In the water with dolphins’ program costs €99.00 per person. An entrance ticket for the day of visit is not included.

Do you have a annual pass? Then you get a discount of €9.90 per person. Do you want to use this discount? Send an email to [email protected]

For whom is the program 'In the water with dolphins' suitable?

The interactive program offers the opportunity to get closer to the animals by entering the habitat of the animals under the supervision of a caretaker in a controlled environment for humans and animals.

You can participate in the ‘in the water program’ from the age of 8, with a minimum height of 1.40 m, if you are in a healthy condition and speak the Dutch language (English by appointment).

First check the required participation conditions and or follow the steps in the questionnaire. If we determine before a program or during the program that a participant does not meet the conditions, this person can no longer participate in the program. If it turns out that participation is not possible, no refund will be made.

What exactly will I do during the program?

Together with the caretaker, you will stand in the water, dressed in special wading trousers that go over your own clothing. While standing on an underwater bridge you will receive an explanation about everything related to bottlenose dolphins and there is also the opportunity to touch them. Please note, you will not be swimming with the dolphins.

Will I also swim with the dolphins during the program?

Swimming with dolphins is not possible at the Dolfinarium and therefore not part of the program.

Why are there minimum requirements that a participant in the program must meet?

The Dolfinarium attaches great importance to the welfare of our animals. We have sharpened the conditions to guarantee the safety of humans and animals.

You can participate in the ‘in the water program’ from the age of 8, with a minimum height of 1.40 m, if you are in a healthy condition and speak the Dutch language (English by appointment).

First check the required participation conditions and or follow the steps in the questionnaire.

If we determine before a program or during the program that a participant does not meet the conditions, this person can no longer participate in the program. If it turns out that participation is not possible, no refund will be made.

Is participation in the program included in the entrance fee?

The cost of the program does not include entrance to the park. A valid entrance ticket is required to participate in the program. You can order your entrance ticket online here.

What sizes of waders are available?

There is no known chest size/clothing size for wading trousers. When wearing wading trousers, we look at the shoe size. We have wading trousers up to and including shoe size 50. The wading trousers do not stretch much, so it is possible that you will get wading trousers with a shoe size larger than your own size. You may not be able to move easily because of this, but that is not a problem for the in water program.

In which language is the program taught?

The language of instruction during ‘In the Water with Dolphins’ program is Dutch or English. Each participant in the program must therefore be able to speak Dutch or English in order to respond adequately to the animal caretaker’s instructions. If you speak little or no Dutch or English, you cannot participate in the program. Translating for other participants is not allowed, this causes too much distraction and can cause safety risks in case of incorrect translation.

If we determine before a program or during the program that a participant does not meet the required conditions, for example because he or she does not speak and understand Dutch or English, this person cannot participate in the program. If it turns out that participation is no longer possible, no refund will be made.

What is the minimum height to participate in the program?

The minimum height of 1.40 meters has been established for safety reasons and to prevent guests from getting very wet. Waders that fill up with water become very heavy, making walking and movement difficult. We do not have shower facilities or changing facilities. Exceptions are not made for this and therefore participants or children who are too small cannot participate.

From what age can children participate in the program?

We have sharpened the conditions to guarantee the safety of humans and animals.

  • Children between the ages of 8 and 12 may only participate if accompanied by a participating and paying adult (18 years or older). By this we mean 1 supervisor per 2 children.
  • Children under the age of 8 are not allowed to participate and unfortunately have to wait until they are a bit older to participate in this program.
  • Children aged 12 are not allowed to participate unaccompanied and unfortunately have to wait another year to be able to participate alone. No exceptions are made to this.
  • Children between 13 and 18 years old can participate independently. However, permission from a parent/legal guardian is required (signature required).
  • Children often react differently during special and special occasions, as a result of which they often require extra attention, for which guidance is required, among other things. This is for the safety of the participating child! An additional advantage is that it is a unique experience to experience with your child.
  • The point is that children can swim, the number of swimming certificates does not apply. It is important that children can swim independently in the water.
What if I do not meet the conditions of the program?

All participants receive the same attention and experience during the program so that this special experience is the same for everyone. We have sharpened the conditions to guarantee the safety of humans and animals.

It is difficult to estimate whether someone with a mild mental or physical disability can participate. It is therefore up to you to make a thorough and realistic assessment based on the conditions for participation. Take a good look at the physical limitations (such as the ability to stand independently, being able to move or not to pet) and any characteristics when it comes to contact with others, sensitivity (for noise and touch, among other things), behavior in relation to age, communication and interests. Persons with disabilities must always be accompanied by a paying participating adult.

If we determine before a program or during the program that a participant does not meet the conditions, this person can no longer participate in the program. If it turns out that participation is not possible, no refund will be made.

Annual pass

With an annual pass you will get a €9,90 discount (per person). If you want to use this discount, send an email to [email protected]

My question is not listed?

First take a look at our homepage at Questions and Answers. If you cannot find an answer to your question on this page, please feel free to contact the reservations-interaction department: [email protected]

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